The Indus Valley Trade Network and Global Connections

The Indus Valley Trade Network and Global Connections

The Indus Valley Civilization, flourishing between 3300 BCE and 1300 BCE in modern-day Pakistan and northwest India, was one of the world’s earliest urban societies. Renowned for its advanced urban planning in harappan civilization, this ancient culture also developed extensive trade networks that reached far beyond its immediate borders. Importance of Trade in the Indus … Read more

Harappan Seals: All You Need To know About for Your UPSC Exams

Harappan Seals

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, stands as one of the world’s earliest urban cultures. Among its many interesting artifacts, the Harappan seals hold a special place in archaeological studies, offering invaluable insights into the trade, culture, and daily life of this ancient society. These small objects have captivated researchers and … Read more

Urban Planning of the Harappan Civilization

Urban Planning of the Harappan

The Harappan Civilization, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization, is often celebrated for its astonishing advancements in urban planning. Flourishing between 3300 BCE and 1300 BCE, this civilization marked an epoch in human history with its proper designed cities, intricate drainage systems, and awe-inspiring public structures. The remnants of cities such as Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, … Read more

Introduction of Harappan Civilization: Timeline, Geography and Architecture

The Harappan Civilization, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization, is one of the most significant early cultures in world history. Spanning from approximately 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE, it represents one of the earliest examples of organized urban living, advanced infrastructure, and an economy based on trade and agriculture. In this detailed article, we’ll … Read more